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Scania Containerised Gas Engine

RPS, in association with Sandfirden in Holland have commissioned a 150kW Scania. Sandfirden modify the engines cylinder heads and fit specially made pistons.

The engine is a 12 liter diesel engine used both on highway for marine propulsion and base load generation and is considered to be one of the strongest diesel engines available in its range.

Although the unit has been proved on Natural Gas and many have been sold and are operational in all parts of the world this is the first of its kind to run on Biogas.

The engine is skid mounted with an integrated panel and synchronizing breaker with engine driven cooling fan and skid mounted radiators and utilizes top quality components (link to pictures and descriptions) in its gas conversion. The alternator is manufactured by Stanford. The engine has no parasitic loads.

The container is manufactured in England to an RPS design incorporating a sealed floor, fitted roof mounted silencer and removable acoustic ends for easy cleaning of the radiators and has a sound pressure level of 60 dBA at 10 meters.

The skid mounted generator is assembled in the container. On site installation involves simpley connecting the generator to a suitably regulated 63mm gas supply cabling the generator to the electrical import/export supply and fitting the exhaust outlet pipe.

The generator runs with an exhaust emission value off 316 mg/m³ NOX and 932 mg/m³ CO well below the Environment Agency Guidelines.